(IUT Blois Francois-Rabelais University, France)

Putri Balqis @ PB
(Vanderbilt University, USA)

Nadia Majid
(Beijing Language and Culture University, China)

Farhan Saad
(Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan)

Hana Razak
(Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan)

 Alif Aiman
(University of Jordan, Jordan)

(Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan)

(Yarmouk University , Jordan)

(Yarmouk University , Jordan)

(Mansoura University, Egypt)

(Beijing Foreign Studies University, China)

ade lg yang akan fly nnt..marilah kita brjaya brsama sama 
:) :) :)


Assalamualaikum, Salam Aidilfitri 1434H. Maaf atas segala kesalahan, sama ada yg zahir mahu pun yg batin :) semoga Ramadhan kita pada tahun ini diberkati  dan dirahmati dan amalan2  yg kita lakukan diterima Allah S.W.T. In shaa Allah :)  

semoga semuanya beraya dgn gembira dan sihat sejahtera, meraikan kemenangan kita sbgai umat Islam. :D dn kpd ahli2 JUMPERZ 0812, raya2 jugak, jgn lupa balik ke tmpt blajar masing2 balik. hehe. goodluck kpd semua :)

p/s : maaf gambar lama. heheh

tahniah !

wlaupun dah lama brlalu, tp sekalung tahniah diucapkn kpd...our KU..

Muhammad Ilman Bin Ismail

terpilih untuk menerima FULL COLOURS AWARD HKSBP 2013 :)

tambah bangga lagi, nama Ilman 1st dlm senarai. we are proud of you bro. :D
tak caye? tekan link nih..haha

jgn main2, fedtri yahya (tv3) yg post tuh. hehe

Achievements :
- Ketua Pelajar SBP Integrasi Gombak 2011/2012
- 11A+ SPM 2012
- Silver Medal Malaysian International Young Inventors Olympiad (MIYIO) 2012
- High Dinstinction National Chemistry Quiz 2012

sebenarnya banyak lagi achievement Ilman ni, tp klu tulis semua smpai ber page2 pulak..heheh

walau ape pun, tahniah bro.. kau mmg super. 

Ilman mlanjutkn pelajaran ke Kolej Yayasan UEM (KYUEM) dlm bidang sains aktuari, under scholar Bank Negara Malaysia, persediaan ke United Kingdom. 

JUMPERZ 0812 sentiasa mndoakan kejayaan anda, dan kejayaan bersama :)
in shaa Allah :)


"Just because you're grown up, doesn't mean you don't need someone to confide in. In fact, logic dictates that the opposite is true. Life becomes more complex and difficult as we get older. The people that we confide in as adults are very valuable. We usually choose our friends based on common interests that we share. We may have different friends for the variety of activities that we engage in. The important thing is that there is sense of mutual respect, and caring for each other."

"When friends are forced to be apart from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how important each one is to the other's life. They will miss each other, and long for the time when they can be together again."

"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will"

"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side..."

Though it seems that you never think of me,
Inside you do care,
and Though it seems that we never have anything,
Inside He always know for sure,

*And we ought to give our very best,
It certainly for everyone,
And like you always says for this last few days,
Let it be the ultimate push,

Just pray to Him all days and nights,
Make it last till the end,
Bare in mind with unity,
We'll be the number one,

And let it be eternal,
Though we maybe are far away,
As long as we are one,
We'll get to this with success,

And all the best in your life,
in everything you do, 
and remember one thing for sure,
Life Must Be Continue


If one day one of us lost his/her memories,
can we help him/her to recall our memories?
Would us?


believe, our memories is one of the important thing that can not we forget, it was the best thing we used to have... so guys, still remember about our promises?

to be One as Jumperz..

May this March bring the happiness and just believe that He had determined it for our best, may Allah bless our friendship, our family and person we love..

good luck, and keep praying for the BEST,

"And all the best in your life,
in everything you do, 
and remember one thing for sure,
Life Must Be Continue"